Course in Corrosion and Corrosion Control
in Light Water Nuclear Reactors
course Instructor: Barry M. Gordon, M.S., P.E.
You need a sense of humor in this business! Barry Gordon is the only instructor that combines the serious discussion of corrosion and control in light water reactors with standup comedy. Not only will you be able to tell your anode from your cathode after the completion of the class, you will be able to impress your friends with solutions to their home plumbing problems and be able to tell them why their car battery died within two weeks of its warrantee date. Rust never sleeps!
Specific Course Learning Objectives
- Learn the fundamentals of corrosion:
* Electrode potential
* Basic corrosion cell
* Evans and Pourbaix Diagrams, etc.
- Identify and discuss the mechanisms of the various forms of corrosion and how they affect LWRcomponents
- Obtain practical knowledge of the most critical corrosion phenomena currently affecting the LWR industry, i.e., IGSCC, IASCC, PWSCC and BAC
- Understand and be able to identify the appropriate techniques to mitigate corrosion in LWRs